
Showing posts from April 14, 2016

Photos: Dubai set to build another tower higher than Burj Khalifa

Dubai is set to build a tower higher than the existing record-braaking skyscraper, the Burj Khalifa, which is presently the world's tallest building. Construction for the new tower which is to be known as The Tower at Dubai Creek, will start at the end of June this year and is hoped to be finished before Dubai hosts the World Expo in 2020. The tower is said to cost around $1 billion and will be a notch taller than Burj Khalifa which opened in January 2010 and stands at 828 meters high. BURJ KHALIFA

Deception is when we try to replace thinking with smoking' - ID Cabasa

The well known music producer tweeted these some hours ago. See the rest of the tweets after the cut

National ID Card To Replace Voters Card In 2019 Election’.

OREROKPE – THE Delta State coordinator of the National Identity Management Commission, NIMC, Henrietta Okolo has said that if things go as planned, the NIMC identity card might be used in place of the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, voter’s card in the 2019 general elections. Giving the disclosure at the palace of the Orodje of Okpe during the visit to the monarch on Tuesday, the NIMC boss while harping on the efficacy of the card, also disclosed that the Federal Ministry of Agriculture has concluded plans to give loans and farming items to 300, 000 farmers in Delta State through its National Agricultural Payment Initiative, NAPI, in partnership with the commission. According to her, though the federal government has not given nod for the use of the identity card for voting, the plan is to use the card which also serves as a Master Card, as the major means of identification for all Nigerians including for voting during elections. “For the agricultural s

Frustrated Tenants Print Poster For Their Landlord

So I went to the Fidelity Bank VGC branch and came out to meet a rather curious flyer on my windshield. The contents read Oga Landlord Pay Me my Money. Moses kamanya of Munak Group, stop making life hard for others. 2 months in your apartment, no light, phcn disconnected, no water, no services...etc From what I gathered he owes his tenants N2million naira for apartments they rented from him inclusive of service charge for 24 hours standby generator power, however a month into living there, PHCN was disconnected, then the gen packed up and they were thrust into 24 hour darkness, coupled with no water as the pump couldn't work. They made several complaints, he did nothing but to ask them to move out and expect a refund in 2 weeks this was since January and now he is not responding. I have taken personal interest in this and doing my bid to help a fellow Nigerian because not too long ago I too experienced the severe wickedness and selfishness of Nigerian Landlords.

No Quick Fix For Nigeria’s Problems, Buhari Says

President Muhammadu Buhari on Wednesday advised Nigerians to lower their expectations of his government, saying there is no quick fix for Nigeria’s gargantuan problems. Speaking in Beijing, China, at a meeting with members of the Nigerian Community in China, Mr. Buhari said it would take some painful, long steps to reverse the damage done to the country in the past years. “We hear proposals for short cuts or quick wins,” Femi Adesina, special adviser on media and publicity, quoted the president as saying. “However, all we need to do is look at our history to know that there are no quick wins or short cuts in fixing Nigeria. The many decades of damage and destruction cannot be repaired overnight. “Clearly, our vision of a diversified and inclusive economy will not be achieved overnight. It will be a long, and in some cases, painful journey. I am very confident we will get there. But we must start that journey now. “The reform program we are implementing is not because

Port Harcourt Refinery Begins Production Again – NNPC

Nigeria has restarted the Port Harcourt refinery, which has a capacity of 210,000 barrels a day, a spokesman for state oil firm NNPC said on Wednesday, as the OPEC member seeks to end fuel shortages. “It is not in full capacity. Production is between three and five million litres daily,” spokesman Garba Deen Muhammad said. Work resumed last week. Despite being Africa’s largest crude exporter, Nigeria imports almost all of its gasoline. Dollar shortages and the shutdown of its refineries have for weeks left motorists queuing for petrol across the West African nation. NNPC said this month it planned to restart its 110,000-barrel-per-day refinery in the northern city of Kaduna by mid-April. Nigeria has a refining capacity of 445,000 barrels per day from three refinery companies but they have been mostly shut due to years of neglect and corruption. Last month, Minister of State for Petroleum Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu said Nigeria was in talks with oil companies Chevron, Total

El-zakzaky Drags FG To Court, Demands N2bn General Damages

Counsel to the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, IMN, has filed a suit at the Federal High Court, Abuja demanding for the immediate and unconditional release of the leader of the movement, Sheikh EL-Zakzaky from the custody of the Army and the Department of State Security Service, DSS. The legal counsel is asking that the leader of IMN be paid the sum of N2billion as general damages for the illegal violation of his fundamental rights to life, dignity of his person, fair hearing, privacy and private property. Addressing newsmen in Kaduna, Wednesday, Barrister Justus Okoye said the petition at the High Court was on the fundamental rights action filed on behalf of the leader of the movement, adding that the leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria now walks with a limp. He also alleged that the left eye of the leader of the movement was completely damaged. He added that the left hand of the leader does not function at the moment due to the brutality he has since been subjected

Unpaid Salaries: Bayelsa Workers Turn To Begging For Survival - Punch

Some workers in public and civil service in Bayelsa State have turned to begging to survive the hard economic realities in the state. It was observed that some workers, in a bid to cope with the harsh economic condition foisted on them by unpaid salaries, had devised different means to beg in order to fulfil their financial obligations. The PUNCH learnt that the civil and public servants being owed about five months’ salaries by the Governor Seriake Dickson-led administration could no longer meet their personal and family obligations. Many of them were said to be unable to pay their bills, children’s school fees and service their accommodation expenses. Due to their inability to pay transportation fares, most of them could no longer attend to go to their work places and church activities while persons who managed to go end up begging for fares to go back home. Some of them said they were dying of hunger, adding that they no longer went to work because of the lack of money

It's 4am & This Is NNPC Mega Station

The lingering fuel scarcity seem not to be anywhere close to ending. it's still 4am but the NNPC mega station Makurdi is already filled. what's your experience on this fuel scarcity so far?

FG Wants Speedy Completion Of Mambilla Power Project – Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari pledged Wednesday in Beijing that his administration will honour all agreements concluded between Nigeria and China under previous administrations to ensure the speedy completion of outstanding joint projects, including the 4,000 megawatts Mambilla Hydro-Electric Power Project. Speaking at a meeting with Mr Li Keqiang, the Premier of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China, President Buhari regretted the failure of past governments to meet Nigeria’s obligations in joint projects with China. The President told the Chinese Premier that his administration was committed to the completion, in the shortest possible time, of all joint power, rail, road and aviation projects that will directly and quickly improve the lives of Nigerians. President Buhari said that he was particularly keen on actualizing the Mambilla Power Project because of its huge potential to boost employment and national economic growth. The Chinese Premier commended on

Lagos CJ Frees 153 Kirikiri Inmates

The Chief Judge of Lagos State, Justice Oluwafunmilayo Atilade, on Wednesday released 153 awaiting trial inmates from the Kirikiri Maximum and Medium prisons. Among the pardoned inmates were 79 being tried for capital offences. Three of the freed inmates had been standing trial for over 15 years. Justice Atilade said the amnesty granted the inmates was in line with statutory duty to ensure that the prisons were not congested. She admonished the pardoned inmates to make the best of the amnesty by not returning to criminal activities. The Chief Judge solicited the support of all relevant stakeholders in the justice system in the effort to decongest the prisons. Justice Atilade was accompanied on the visit by senior judges from the state high court, officials of the Lagos Ministry of Justice, members of the Nigerian Bar Association, various non-governmental organisations and representatives of the Nigeria Police. In his remark, the Deputy Comptroller in charge of the Kirikiri

Fg’s N5,000 Conditional Cash Transfer List Of 8 States READY!

By Omoh Gabriel LAGOS — There are indications that the list of beneficiaries of the Federal Government’s N5,000 conditional cash transfer for eight states is ready. our5kFeelers from political and World Bank Country office in Nigeria have shown that the list for the conditional transfer has been in the making . The World Bank, it was learned, has used its template that it applies globally to help the federal authorities identify the poor and needy in the eight states while work is said to be in progress in other states of the federation. The feelers suggest that the team compiling the list in each state goes to two poorest local governments in a state and then identify the two poorest villages or communities in such state. From the poorest community, a list is drawn. One million poor Nigerians will benefit from the programme. The feeler is that the compilation is in collaboration with the World Bank, which had even started compiling a Social Register before the current