‘I Am God’ as rumored won’t be Kanye West album name
‘I Am God’ as rumored won’t be Kanye West album name By Ghana News -SpyGhana.com Kanye West is about the biggest megalomaniac in the music industry these days, which is saying a lot, but even he has limits. We think. Or, at least, enough sense not to blatantly strike a holy pose with his new album. So, no, those Internet rumors that he would title his forthcoming album, “I Am God,” are not true, a source said. Which is a shame. West is, if nothing else, a provocateur, but he is an outrageously talented one, and in this age of the milquetoast celebrity, at least he’s interesting (and infuriating). So whatever he does title the new album, it’s certainly not going to be dull. [ Source ] Related posts: Is Kanye West Dropping A New Solo Album This Year? Kanye West Inspires Game’s New Album Title ‘Jesus Piece’ 2 Chainz Enlists Kanye West’s DONDA For Album Art Kanya West Is Heavily Involved In Lil Wayne’s Next Album. Kim Kardashian goes on date with Kanye West, does walk of...