
Showing posts from September 20, 2016

Troubled Nigeria: FG Set To Combat Recession With N4.72trillion

. The Federal Government is set to pull the Nigerian economy out of recession with a N4.72trillion fiscal stimulus plan –Nigeria’s economy is said to have slipped into one of the worst recession in the nation’s history –The stimulus plan is to be funded majorly through sales of national assets In seeking ways to get Nigeria out of the worst recession in its history, the Federal Government is considering a $ 15billion (N4.72 trillion) fiscal stimulus plan. The Buhari-led administration is seeking diverse ways to pull Nigeria out of the worst recession the nation has ever experienced. Following the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) recent official confirmation that Nigeria’s economy had slipped into one of the worst recessions in its history, the government convened a ministerial retreat last week to rally economists’ opinions on possible way out of the doldrums . Premium Times reports that one of the key resolutions at the retreat was a four-pronged funding plan to generate and inject

Patience Jonathan Gives EFCC 14 Days To Defreeze Her Accounts

PORT HARCOURT-SOLICITOR to former First Lady, Mrs. Patience Ibifaka Goodluck Jonathan, First Law Associates, has given the Economic and Financial Commission, EFCC, 14 days with effect from September 18 to defreeze her accounts and tender a public apology to her. Senior Partner, First Law Associates, Timipa Okponipere Esq. in an open letter to EFCC chairman, Ibrahim Magu, urging the Commission to leave Mrs. Jonathan alone, warned that it refused to conform: “We shall file an action at the African Commission on Human Rights at the Gambia demanding N5 billion in exemplary and punitive damages.” The solicitor observed: “There is no established legal or political precedent for what the EFCC is currently doing to our client. How many former First Ladies in Nigeria have received the Patience Goodluck Jonathan Treatment (PGJT) to have warranted the EFCC to engage in the effrontery to freeze our client’s accounts and subject her to public opprobrium, ridicule and disgrace? This nonsense must st

I’ll Produce 100 Millionaires In Four Years –Obaseki

The governorship candidate of the All Progressives Congress in Edo State, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, has said he will produce 100 millionaires in the state in four years, if elected as governor. Obaseki, who spoke on Monday during an interactive session with a group, Grassroots Youth Initiative, in the Ikpoba Okha Local Government Area, explained that with the presence of natural resources, the residents had no reason to be poor. He said, “God has blessed us in Edo. No state is like Edo. We do not have any reason to be poor; the only reason why we are poor is because of bad leadership. With good leadership, the sky is our limit. “So, the first thing I am going to emphasise in employment is to register the unemployed because we have employed a lot of people in the last eight years.” He disclosed that the state government would encourage the unemployed youth in agriculture through the inauguration of an agricultural scheme known as the anchor programme. “We are inaugurating our programme on agr

Lagos Begins Work On Cable Car Project

The Lagos cable car project is on course. It is privately driven and the private sector need to get all the permits. After three years of postponement, work has begun on the $275million cable car project. In an interview with The Guardian, Lagos state Commissioner for Transportation, Dayo Mobereola, revealed intricate details of the car project. “The Lagos cable car project is on course. It is privately driven and the private sector need to get all the permits, on the side of Lagos, we have given them all the necessary permit, they are talking to the federal government to get some level of guarantees and we have assisted them to write to the federal government. They have taken the advantage by starting to build from the Iddo side of Lagos." Upon completion, the project will have eight stations in three routes, in order to handle the estimated 240,000 trips daily. The car project will begin at Ijora, then move to Apapa and

10 Power Plants Shut, 1,041MW Lost

The nation’s power generation fell by over 1,000 megawatts as four power plants were down on Saturday, bringing the total number of plants not generating electricity at the moment to 10. The nation recorded a total system collapse on Friday, September 16, 2016, the 17th time this year, industry data obtained by our correspondent on Sunday showed. The total power generation stood at 2,555.7MW as of 6am on Saturday, down from 3,596.2MW the previous day, worsening the outage being experienced by households and businesses across the country. Electricity from the nation’s biggest power station, Egbin, located in Lagos, hit a record low of 246MW on Saturday from 425MW on Friday, while output from the Shiroro Power Station in Niger State, one of the nation’s hydropower plants, hit a high of 600MW. The plants that were shut down after the collapse included Olorunsogo I and Olorunsogo II in Ogun State; Omotosho II in Ondo State; and Ihovbor located in Edo State, with installed capacities of 294

REVEALED: 469 Lawmakers Have 2,570 Aides –And Some Earn N950,000/Month

The 469 members of the 8th national assembly have at least 2,570 aides, an investigation by NAN has revealed. Out of the number, 700 aides work for lawmakers in the senate, while the remaining 1,870 are engaged by house of representatives members. In addition to the regular aides, the principal officers of both chambers have special assistants, senior special assistants and special advisers of varying numbers. This category of aides, it was learnt,have a monthly salary of a minimum of N950,000 but was reduced to N400, 000 by the current management of the assembly. All the aides are paid from the coffers of the assembly. As provided in the national assembly act, each lawmaker, excluding principal officers, is entitled to five aides –one senior legislative aide, two legislative aides, a personal assistant and a secretary. It was discovered that in the provision, president of the senate is entitled to 45 aides, his deputy 30 and 20 each for principal officers. Similarly, speaker of the ho

Blame Niger Delta Militants For The Recession –Osinbajo

Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo has attributed the current economic recession to the activities of militants in the Niger Delta. Osinbajo said there was no way Nigeria would not be affected, given the fact that the nation now loses over one million barrels of crude oil on a daily basis. The Vice-President said this on Monday at the maiden meeting of the Presidential Quarterly Business Forum, with members of the organised private sector and other stakeholders at the State House Conference Centre, Aso Villa, Abuja. The meeting is part of the Federal Government’s effort to continually engage regularly with different segments of the Nigerian public on its economic policies and direction. Osinbajo said, “Perhaps it is important for us to understand the nature of this recession in which we have found ourselves. A lot depends on what sort of recession and how we got here. “If we did not have vandalism in the Niger Delta as we are currently suffering, we will not have this recession today. “Moreo