
Showing posts from October 11, 2016

Rice remained ban - Nigerian Customs

The Nigerian Customs Service (NCS) said on Sunday that it effect a total ban on the importation of rice into the country by 2017. The disclosure was made in Abuja just as the Service denied reports circulating posting in the online media that the Customs had lifted the ban on importation of rice into the country. Deputy Controller, Wale Adeniyi who made the disclosure, explained that rice importation through land borders remained banned and prohibited warning that those especially smugglers caught violating the law will be arrested and prosecuted. He however said those coming into the country legitimately through the seaports where proper duties and extant charges are paid will continue through the end of 2016. Adeniyi attributed the circulation of wrong information on the true situation of the commodity to the activities and ploy of a cabal engaged in rice smuggling and recycling, to confuse the public and set it against the federal government. The NCS through

Election Update: Polls Show Potential Fallout From Trump Tape

Polls conducted since the disclosure of a tape on Friday, in which Donald Trump was recorded condoning unwanted sexual contact against women, suggest that he has probably lost further ground against Hillary Clinton. But the polls aren’t in much agreement, with some polls showing little change in the race and others implying that the tape has had catastrophic consequences for his campaign. Let’s run through the nine national polls that conducted at least some interviews since the release of the tape late Friday afternoon. In some cases, the polls also contain quite a bit of pre-tape data, so it’s important to pay careful attention to the dates of each survey. We’ll start with the polls that didn’t show much of a shift away from Trump. Morning Consult’s poll for Politico, conducted entirely on Saturday, showed Clinton with a 4-point lead. Technically speaking, that’s an increase for her, since Clinton led by 2 points in a poll they conducted just after the vice p

‘Probe My Children, Family Members If Corrupt’ – Buhari Tells EFCC

President Buhari has told the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and other anti-graft agencies to probe even his own children or members of his family implicated in corrupt practices. He said he would not forgive the anti-graft agency if it fails to pobe any allegation of corruption against his children and family members. A sketch of Buhari’s tough anti-corruption mindset and plans was contained in a book, “Muhammadu Buhari: The challenges of leadership in Nigeria”, which is authored by Prof. John Paden. The book reveals how Buhari inspired the acting Chairman of EFCC, Mr. Ibrahim Magu as a school boy to develop anti-graft traits. Best prices of phones, accessories & gadgets on It adds: “Buhari’s attitude is to let the chips fall where they may in particular cases, although reform of the judiciary is one of his larger goals. “Buhari has often said that if any of his own children were accused of corruption, and the authorities did

UK appeals to Nigeria to abolish death penalty

The UK on Monday appealed to Nigeria to abolish the death penalty, saying that capital punishment cheapened human life. The UK made the appeal in a statement issued by the British High Commissioner to Nigeria, Paul Arkwright, on the 2016 World Day against the Death Penalty. Arkwright said that the British Government believed the death penalty had no place in the modern world and its use undermined human dignity. According to him, there is no conclusive evidence of its deterrent value, adding that any miscarriage of justice leading to its imposition is irreversible and irreparable. He explained that the past two decades had seen a significant rise in the number of countries that had abolished capital punishment. “I am concerned therefore that Nigeria, a model for democracy in Africa, still retains the death penalty in its laws. “In 2013 Nigeria carried out four executions, the first since 2006. “At the time of the execution, all four individuals still had appeal

SSS released detained Judges

State Security Service has released all the judges arrested during a nationwide sweep between Friday and Saturday, PREMIUM TIMES can report. Sources in the agency said all the seven judges were released on self-recognition. “They were all released on bail yesterday (Sunday) on self recognition,” one of our sources said. “They reported this morning (Monday) and they have all gone back home. They will be coming back tomorrow. And everything went very procedurally well and civil. “They were released on bail on self recognition based on the fact that given their standing in the society, they cannot run away. They were instructed that they should come back today by 10am. “They did report for investigation this morning and they have gone back home. And the investigation continues and preparation to charge them to court continued.” The source added, “Also, action was sequel to lack of cooperation by National Judicial Council. Such as refusal by the NJC to allow the af