What The Bible Says About Oral Sex
What The Bible Says About Oral Sex 8 April, 2013 Local Myne Whitman Writes: Yesterday, it went viral that a Pastor of CLAM church, Wole Oladiyun warned that Oral Sex was not for Christians. Maybe he read my earlier blog post about Nigerian Men and Oral Sex, In his words, “men and women sucking their private parts are equally damaging their glories. Demonic partners have done a lot of havoc through this act. Honestly, it is simply unhygienic and dirty.” Now, I don’t understand the first part of his comment about oral sex damaging people’s glories, or demonic partners, maybe that is what he teaches in his church as doctrine and dogma. If so, I can’t really address it, I am not a pastor obviously, nor his church member. But the second part exposes that his bias and personal opinion is what is majorly driving his condemnation of oral sex. Can oral sex be dirty and unhygienic? Yes. If a man or a woman is not clean and hygienic, or take go...