Following the twin bomb blasts that rocked Kuje and Nyanya areas of Abuja on Friday, October 2, in which several people were reportedly killed, a Twitter user with the handle @chimaokoro63 had earlier predicted the attacks. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Twitter user @chimaokoro63 The bombings were suspected to have been perpetuated by the Boko Haram terrorist group, although the sect is yet to claim responsibility for the attacks. According to @chimaokoro63, the Boko Haram sect is also going to attack the commercial hub of the country- Lagos state as well as security operatives from the police, army and navy. See the tweet below This comes just after at least fourteen people, including four female suicide bombers, were reportedly killed in the multiple suicide bombings that occurred on the outskirts of Maiduguri on Independence Day , October 1. However, this is not the first time the dreaded sect have attacked Nyanya; on ...