Ask Naij Shares a Story: "I Have No Boobs"
Ask Naij Shares a Story: "I Have No Boobs" 9 April, 2013 Life and Style Here's another letter we got from our female reader. She went through a painful experience but still hasn't lost her spirit and sense of humour! We find this pretty awesome and encouraging. Go on, read her story. First things first. Mom and Dad, if you're reading this, stop now. I know you're still reading, mom. Fine, be that way. What you're about to read is on you. I warned you. So: I have no boobs. I don't mean I'm flat-chested, although I was. I mean a doctor scrubbed into an OR where I was anesthetized on the table, picked up a knife and cut me apart, removing both of my breasts and placing them in a plastic baggie to be incinerated with various other offal from the rest of the patients lucky enough to be dissected that day. Just like that, I went from a 32A to a 32Nothing. My chest became an arid wasteland, an Af...