Unexpected Turn of Events: Army Orders Al Mustapha to Go for Psycho-evaluation
17 July, 2013
Army hierarchy may have cleared the air on the employment status of
Hamza Al Mustapha, former chief security officer, CSO, of the late
military head of state, General Sani Abacha, but the coast may not be
totally clear for him to return to the army.

to reliable sources in the Defense headquarters, Al-Mustapha must first
be certified fit to return to the army. As result, it was learnt, a
psychological evaluation session has been scheduled for the former CSO.
to details gathered by the journalists today, clinical sessions for
assessing the mental fitness of the army major has been scheduled in
either one of the military hospitals in Enugu or Lagos.
was learnt that the Chief of Army Staff, COAS, Azubuike Ihejirika, had
expressly ordered the clinical session. Al Mustapha having spent more
than a decade in prison is considered unfit by some in the army. Even
more, some political Hawks insist that the army major, what with his
vast knowledge in intelligence must be kept out of circulation,
especially at this point in the country when there is tension.
to rumors to the effect that Al Mustapha may be retired, unfolding
indications shows that this may not be the case. As learnt, the military
may still have role for him especially with the war on terror.
Originally hailing from Yobe, North East of the country currently in a
state of siege from insurgents, Al Mustapha’s release say some, may
bolster the war on terrorism. While in power, Abacha maintained close
link with Niger, Chad and Libya, countries linked with the insurgence in
the country.
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